2009年8月14日 星期五

懶人投資計劃 (由 12/2008 開始)


二月時, HSI 未有如預期般跌至 18600點 (當時我已 80% 持貨, 大部份是在 08年尾/09年初買入的) , 指數不跌反升, 我只好在 20000點之上追入,目前整個投資組合是 100% 持貨: 40% 股票, 60%中國基金。我在想 : 如果早前 19426 是中期調整的低點, 相信新的升浪已展開了, 全年目標上望 26000 點。

1 則留言:

vincent 提到...

now is 牛皮 although already enter bull stage ii but you need to concern 實體經濟情況 as if you see unemployment rate continue to drop you can invest all the money in it but now unemployment rate still high , you can invest by 3 to 5 stage , but remember as my own opinion the cycle of bull will be finish faster than before so dont hold the stocks forever, as now is second stage at the end of 2010 and begin of 2011 should sell all
but of course you need to notice OCT DEC , this two moth always fall